Leeds Alcohol and Drug Support 100% Confidential
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You can contact Start Recovery by filling in the form below, emailing me or calling me on one of the numbers below . I will always endeavour to get back to you within 24 hrs if I am not available at time of contact.
Start Recovery
Email: help@startrecovery.co.uk
​Tel: +44 (0)113 328 0211
Mob: +44 (0)7714 932884
10 Holt Ave
LS16 8DH
Contact Us For An Addiction Therapist In Leeds
If you are looking for an alcohol or drug counsellor in Leeds then contact me for an initial consultation. I will try to find a suitable time for you as soon as possible. You can find out more about what to expect here.
My name is Mark Franklin and I am an addictions Therapist based in Adel, Leeds LS16.
I utilise a combination of counselling styles and techniques in order to bring about awareness, acknowledgement and change to destructive behaviours. I have been working with people who have had alcohol, drug and gambling problems since 2012 in London, Leeds and across Yorkshire.
I deliver a discreet service in comfortable surroundings in my North Leeds treatment room. I will work with you and your friends or families to support you all along your journey into recovery.
My experience includes working with drug and alcohol services, detox units, residential rehab facilities and specialist hospital wards. I now work with people in a one to one therapist setting, in my therapy room in North Leeds, helping individuals to achieve personal goals.
I work with people struggling with all types of addictions and alcohol misuse and at all stages. I cover all addictive behaviours and substances and I have had extensive training in alcohol misuse disorders, and substance misuse disorder therapy. As I go forward with my practice in Leeds, I continue to try to learn and study the latest drug and alcohol information available to us, this includes research and development of new styles of therapy, counselling and psychotherapy.
I am particularly interested in Neuroscientific evidence based research, and latest developments in Neuropsychotherapy.
I continue to work with R.E.B.T as my preferred approach bringing rational thought processes to often irrational thoughts or situations. There is also an emphasis on breathwork to help calm the sympathetic nervous systems re-action to triggering thoughts, stimuli or behaviours. I love learning about new advancements in neuroscience and the brain, it has become a real passion for me. Life continues to excite me now every day!
Mark Franklin S.A.C Dip
Alcohol and Substance Misuse Disorder Therapist
Please note I am now very near to fully booked. I will respond to new initial consultation requests but I no longer offer a waiting list due to the high volume of requests. I do, however have a weekly cancelation list that I offer slots at short notice, so please mention in your request if you would like to be included on this.
If you, or a loved one needs alcohol help, drug misuse or addiction help and you live in Leeds, Harrogate, Ilkley, Otley, or other surrounding areas, then please get in touch. Below is a video showing the directions to Start Recovery for individuals and their familes who may be having problems with addictions or addictive behaviours.